Galium aparine |
Happy new year! It seems we come back to “normal life”. After a whole week of fog that didn´t allow us to see the sun, today the day has dawned clear, and that open sky has brought one of the typical frosts quite frequent in this season.
It´s true that until just a few days ago the Autumn/Winter has been warmer than usual in general, but temperatures have fallen down to characteristic January values. What is more worrying is the lack of rain. Fog and a light rain a couple days ago had provided a bit of humidity which has been good for the flowerpots, already a bit dry.
It´s true that until just a few days ago the Autumn/Winter has been warmer than usual in general, but temperatures have fallen down to characteristic January values. What is more worrying is the lack of rain. Fog and a light rain a couple days ago had provided a bit of humidity which has been good for the flowerpots, already a bit dry.
Veronica persica |
Es ahora cuando emergen plántulas que se pueden encontrar como arvenses en cultivos de invierno (secano) y aunque no necesitan demasiada agua sí requieren al menos un mínimo.
Right now are emerging seedlings that could be found in winter crops (dryland) and although they don´t need too much water at least a minimum is required.
Hyosciamus albus |
Muy curioso ver como el hielo recubre todos y cada uno de los pelitos (en las plantas que los tienen) creando a veces verdaderas obras de arte...
It is very curious to see how the ice covers each and every hair (in those plants which have them) creating amazing artworks…
Galium aparine |
...igual las arañas que también contribuyen con sus telas a dar un toque decorativo...
…and so did the spiders with their webs, contributing to add a decorative touch…
tela de araña |
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