Hoy casi tenemos que recurrir a una foto de archivo para presentaros a la protagonista, que tal día como hoy no puede ser otra que la "hierba de San Juan", "sanjuanera" o "hipérico", Hypericum perforatum:
Today we almost have to rescue a photo from our files in order to show you the “star” plant that such day as today could be no other than the “common St. Johnswort”, Hypericum perforatum:
Today we almost have to rescue a photo from our files in order to show you the “star” plant that such day as today could be no other than the “common St. Johnswort”, Hypericum perforatum:
Hypericum perforatum |
y es que en nuestra maceta este año va un poquillo retrasada y sólo está en estado de plántula, cuando en años anteriores algunos días antes habrían aparecido ya las primeras flores
and that´s because this year it´s a bit behind in our flowerpot and only can be seen in seedling stage, when in previous years would have already appeared the first flowers some days ago
and that´s because this year it´s a bit behind in our flowerpot and only can be seen in seedling stage, when in previous years would have already appeared the first flowers some days ago
Hypericum perforatum |
Esta es una planta que destaca por sus propiedades medicinales, aunque hay que ser cuidadoso porque también puede tener cierta toxicidad.
Por estas fechas es frecuente verla en ribazos y bordes de caminos que tengan algo de humedad.
Luckily, we have found it in a close field so we can have “fresh” photos, recently made.
This plant is remarkable for its medicinal properties, although you have to be careful because it can have certain toxicity.
Around this time of the year is frequently seen at slightly damp path sides or steep banks.
Hypericum perforatum, hoja |
A main characteristic are those white little dots that can be seen on the leaves against the light which are glands, thus the name “perforatum”.
The black little dots are also glands containing essential oils, that can be seen on leaves and stems and make the plant feel sticky to the touch.¡Felices Fiestas de San Juan a todos aquellos que las celebréis!